Welcome on InterCoral Jena e.V.

an association for intercultural exchange

Our vision

  • A better world by understanding, reconciliation and intercultural exchange through jointly practicing and performing sacred music.
  • Tearing down the walls of prejudices, lingual barriers, religious affiliationand burdens of history.
  • Bridging these gaps by open-minded collaborative activities, friendship, respect and tolerance.

Culture is no luxury […] but the spiritual ground, that saves our inner survival ability. 

                    Richard von Weizsäcker, former German Federal President; 1920-2015



Our objectives

  • To gather people from all over the world to do sacred music in joint performances.
  • To foster intercultural activities as a node, to facilitate already established and to encourage novel collaborative activities to bring into operating.
  • Thereby, to highlight the benefits of exchange and reconciliation towards both a broad community and towards decision makers.
  • To disseminate the rich appreciation of cultural encountering as a characteristic feature of our European origin and conclusion from our history.


Our agenda

  • Joint performances of Johann Sebastian Bach St. John Passion in Lublin and Jena, given by ‘Kantorei St. Michael Jena’ and ‘Academic choir of Medical Faculty of Lublin’ (Holy week 2017), embedded in a wide range of diversified cultural activities (Majdanek Memorial, history of medicine etc.).
  • Joint performances of John Rutter’s ‘Magificat’, will be given by Kantorei St. Peter, Sonneberg, Kantorei St. Michael Jena and UniCanto de Londrina (Londrina, Brazil) at September 23rd/24th in Sonneberg und Jena, embedded in a wide range of diversified cultural activities.


Our team

  • We are an association with 16 members as yet, all of them being active to fulfil our ambitious objectives. The board is acting with six members living in Jena and being active singers in Kantorei St. Michael, Jena.
  • You might become involved into Intercoral Jena e.V. as a member or as a supporter, because we are a non-profit charity association with limited funds and resources. We are not only dependent on your donations, but also on your input, ideas, and voluntary work. Being interested, please complete our contact form or get personally in touch by email.
  • Our articles of association are presented here: Satzung



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